
Amalgamated Foundation: Frontline Workers Fund

Host Organization: Amalgamated Foundationmdi-circle-small Washington, DC, United States mdi-circle-small


Amalgamated Foundation is responding in full force to the unprecedented crisis that COVID-19 has created. As the economy grinds to a halt, the current moment has created a massive economic shock and insecurity for workers, businesses, and communities.

The Fund is specifically designed to provide financial support to those critical workers at the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis. Nurses, health care workers, grocery workers, cleaning service workers, food service workers, laundry workers in hospitals and retail workers, amongst others are being asked to come forward to serve their country and Amalgamated is proud to stand in support of their needs.

Resources will go to support:

- Providing health benefits, childcare and other needs for workers who have lost their jobs
- Supplement existing efforts to ensure Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are reaching nurses and all workers who need them
- Support for workers including domestic workers, grocery and restaurant workers who may be forced into quarantine or need extended paid leave
- Assist with access alternative housing or transportation for frontline workers who are self-isolating to protect the community

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About the Host

Since its founding in 1923, Amalgamated Bank has grown and evolved to become a national leader in ethical banking with products and services that enable individuals, nonprofits, foundations, and socially responsible businesses to align their finances with their values. The Amalgamated Foundation builds on this history with a giving platform that is powered by both the financial acumen and committed vision of the bank.

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