
Appalachian Community Fund

Host Organization: Appalachian Community Fundmdi-circle-small Knoxville, TN, United States mdi-circle-small


The Appalachian Community Fund (ACF) funds and encourages grassroots social change in Central Appalachia. ACF works to build a sustainable base of resources to support community-led organizations seeking to overcome and address issues of race, economic status, gender, sexual identity, and disability.

On the journey to justice, our vision is to work for the day when Appalachia’s land, air and water are safe from destruction and contamination; where the economy is stable, strong, and provides diverse employment opportunities for all people; where government and industry are accountable to human needs without exploitation of people and their health; where justice, equity, appreciation of diversity and celebration of our common humanity replace racism, sexism, heterosexism and other “isms”; where wealth and resources are shared equally; where all children grow up free from hatred and violence; and where justice overcomes oppression in any form.

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About the Host

The Appalachian Community Fund (ACF) is a publicly supported, non-profit grantmaking organization that provides resources and support to grassroots organizations working to overcome the underlying causes of poverty and injustice in Central Appalachia (East Tennessee, Eastern Kentucky, Southwest Virginia and West Virginia). We pool resources from a range of sources including individuals, businesses, and foundations to support community-led efforts and movement for social change, to support the training and leadership development necessary to strengthen the work in our region, and to cultivate the conditions for lasting, long-term change to be possible.

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