
Black-led Movement Fund

Host Organization: Borealis Philanthropymdi-circle-small Minneapolis, MN, United States mdi-circle-small


The Movement for Black Lives, born out of the uprising in Ferguson, MO, has become a powerful, dynamic constellation of leaders and groups that have come together to tackle a variety of interconnected problems. The individuals of this movement are young, Black, queer, trans, feminist, immigrant, and undocumented leaders who are embracing grassroots organizing as a core strategy to educate and mobilize people to address state violence and injustice in Black communities.

For generations, Black-led social justice institutions have been under-resourced and their leaders have not received adequate support. As a new generation of leaders shapes the conversation about race, criminalization, state and gender violence in the United States, the Black-led Movement Fund (BLMF) aims to transform this scenario by supporting intersectional, Black-led organizing and their leaders as they build and activate bases of power in local communities.

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About the Host

As a philanthropic intermediary, Borealis helps connect grantmakers to organizations that meet their mission. We provide a high level of service to our funders and grantees by conducting our work in a manner that is collaborative, transparent, and accountable. We respond promptly to the needs and interests of our partners by staying abreast of changing policy and social landscapes. We educate grantmakers and non-profits organizations on the important role intermediaries play in the philanthropic sector, and endeavor to share our knowledge with the broader field. In carrying out this vision, we ultimately hope to change the way philanthropy works.

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