

Host Organization: Thousand Currentsmdi-circle-small San Francisco, CA, USA mdi-circle-small


The CLIMA Fund is a collaboration among four public foundations with over 115 years of collective experience reaching Indigenous, women, youth, and peasant-led climate justice movements. The CLIMA members, collectively, support an ecosystem of movement infrastructure.

Philanthropy has an important role to play in tackling one of the most pressing issues of our time. Make a donation today and join a global community of leading funders taking action to support grassroots solutions.

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About the Host

Thousand Currents partners with grassroots groups - led by women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples in the Global South - that are transforming their communities and creating lasting solutions to our shared global challenges. Our partners develop solutions that are innovative and impactful. They work to ensure their communities have access to healthy and locally grown food, are able to enjoy economic prosperity that generates wellbeing for all people, and live in a safe and healthy environment that supports abundant life.

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