
Communities for Just Schools Fund: Education Anew Fund

Host Organization: The Communities for Just Schools Fundmdi-circle-small Washington, DC, United States mdi-circle-small


The Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF) is hearing from our grantee partners who as grassroots organizers are canaries in the coal mine. They are the Black-led, often women-led organizations that society is comfortable leaning on for leadership and loathe to support with resources, policy, empathy, etc. CJSF’s "rapid response" to this coronavirus moment is the Education Anew Fund to support grassroots organizing in this moment and beyond. We are doubling down on our strategic priorities to Fund, Build, Connect, and Lead, and we are raising additional funds to (1) ensure our ongoing ability to resource the grassroots organizations that are our grantee partners, and (2) increase the resources available to the field at a moment in which organizers have no space for uncertainty.

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About the Host

The Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF), a project of the New Venture Fund, is a nationally-focused donor collaborative. CJSF provides resources in support of community led organizations that are working to ensure positive and supportive school climates that affirm and foster the success of all students.

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