
Emergent Fund

Host Organization: Emergent Fundmdi-circle-small San Francisco, CA, United States mdi-circle-small


The Emergent Fund provides rapid response funding to grassroots organizations in communities of color who are facing injustice based on racial, ethnic, religious and other forms of discrimination. The Emergent Fund was established following the 2016 elections as a partnership of three donor organizations: Solidaire Network, Women Donors Network, and Threshold Foundation. The Fund makes grants to two types of efforts: 1) Efforts that support emergent strategies that help communities respond to rapidly changing conditions, which includes resisting new or amplified threats and building power to move a proactive, progressive agenda and 2) Efforts seeking long-term social justice and economic justice in a discriminatory political and social climate.

Support emergent strategies that help communities respond to discriminatory political and social conditions and seek long-term economic and social justice.

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About the Host

The three founding organizations (Solidaire Network, Women Donors Network, and Threshold Foundation) are networks of donors that make grants to organizations seeking progressive social change.

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