
Gaza and West Bank Response

Host Organization: Aneramdi-circle-small Washington D.C., USA mdi-circle-small


Anera’s focus is on the humanitarian aspect of the crisis. We are dedicated to supporting those caught in the crossfire, the innocent casualties of war. Our Palestinian staff are participating in all relevant humanitarian coordination bodies to ensure coordinated and appropriate local and international response.

A few days ago, Anera delivered 12,000 bags of IV solutions to Gaza’s largest hospital just in time for the emergency. And, in the next couple days, we are distributing hygiene kits to displace families in UNRWA schools. Our medical aid team is in contact with our international partners for donated medical supplies. They are also looking into procuring items on the local market. Our staff in Gaza and the West Bank are reaching out to vendors for immediate purchase of relief supplies like hygiene kits, food, water, blankets and mattresses.

Anera has distribution centers in the West Bank and Gaza to act as staging areas for dispatching relief supplies where they are most needed, when conditions allow.

We are ready to respond to what will likely be a large humanitarian need in Gaza and the West Bank.

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About the Host

Since 1968, Anera has helped refugees and others hurt by conflicts in the Middle East live with dignity and purpose.
Anera, which has no political or religious affiliation, works on the ground with partners in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Lebanon and Jordan. We mobilize resources for immediate emergency relief and for sustainable, long-term health, education, and economic development. Our staff serve in their communities, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it's needed most. That's how Anera delivered more than $100.4 million in programs in 2020 alone, and it's how we will keep building better lives until hope finds its way in the Middle East.

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