Hurricane Helene left a path of devastation across multiple states, including Florida, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Virginia, killing hundreds and leaving millions in need of help. Your donation to the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund will provide immediate and long-term relief in affected communities.
Hurricane Helene landed as a Category 4 storm in Florida's Big Bend and went on to cause catastrophic damage across the Southeast. Millions of people were in Helene's widespread path, now trying to stay safe in shelters or facing weeks without power. People who survived Hurricane Helene described water rising to their chests and homes collapsing into the ocean as the storm surge reached up to 20 feet. Hundreds are still missing. Helene also caused significant flooding and destruction in Cuba.
All donations to this fund will help Hurricane Helene survivors in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Cuba, and elsewhere. These efforts will be led by GlobalGiving's network of vetted partners. Initially, the fund will help meet survivors' immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. As needs evolve, the fund will transition to support longer-term recovery efforts run by local, vetted nonprofits.
When you donate to GlobalGiving's Hurricane Helene Relief Fund, your donation will be used to:
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