
Kalamazoo Community Foundation: Community Urgent Relief Fund

Host Organization: Kalamazoo Community Foundationmdi-circle-small Kalamazoo, MI, United States mdi-circle-small


During this time of uncertainty and isolation with the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are working diligently in partnership with many nonprofits and community members on addressing the impact of COVID-19 on the the most vulnerable in our community. Our community has demonstrated commitment to coming together and supporting each other during times of crisis while ensuring those who struggle financially and economically are supported in every way possible.

The Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF) in partnership with United Way Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region has activated our respective community crisis relief funds to address the emerging needs that are surfacing in key services for our most vulnerable community members and we are looking for your support.

Our funds will be used to assist with immediate and anticipated direct service needs, such as:

· Access to food
· Childcare
· Nonprofit operations

We recognize that these needs may evolve or grow in the coming weeks and months, and we are committed to being flexible and responsive.

This relief fund will be used to address the emerging needs that are surfacing in key services for our most vulnerable community members.

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About the Host

KZCF provides essential funding to programs that ensure all of our children have an equitable chance for success in school, that nurture and prepare all of our young people for life beyond school, that support individuals and families from all walks of life, that enhance community prosperity in every corner of Kalamazoo County, and make life better for all.

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