
Native Voices Rising

Host Organization: Common Counsel Foundationmdi-circle-small Oakland, CA, United States mdi-circle-small


Native Voices Rising (NVR), a grantmaking collaborative led by Common Counsel Foundation and Native Americans in Philanthropy, is designed to support organizing, advocacy and civic engagement in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities. NVR provides general operating support grants that are intended to strengthen Native-led organizations that are improving the lives of their community members in the United States.

NVR is piloting a new model of grantmaking to Native communities, with Native decision-making at a regional level by grantmaking committees composed of selected Native community member volunteers. Each committee will be guided by NAP staff and will receive grantmaking training and technical assistance from Common Counsel Foundation and Native Americans in Philanthropy.

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About the Host

Founded in 1988, Common Counsel Foundation advances equity and environmental health through a combination of direct grantmaking and strategic philanthropic advising for independent foundations and donors.

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