
Park City Community Foundation: Community Response Fund

Host Organization: Park City Community Foundationmdi-circle-small Park City, UT, United States mdi-circle-small


Hosted by Park City Community Foundation, the Community Response Fund helps strengthen our community and respond immediately to crisis situations such as the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Community Response Fund is offering flexible resources to organizations in our area working with communities who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of this outbreak.

The first phase of rapid-response grants will increase resiliency in disproportionately affected communities by addressing the economic impact of reduced and lost work due to the broader COVID-19 outbreak, and the immediate needs of economically vulnerable populations caused by COVID-19 related closures. The Community Foundation expects to move an initial round of grants as funds are raised.

The fund is currently supporting health and human services nonprofits in greater Park City that are handling cases related to the impact of COVID-19. Targeted operating grants fund organizations that have deep roots in community and strong experience working with residents without health insurance and/or access to sick days, people with limited English language proficiency, healthcare and gig economy workers, and communities of color, among others.

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About the Host

Park City Community Foundation helps people give back to the place they love. With our deep community knowledge and nonprofit expertise, we connect donors to organizations that are making a real difference in the greater Park City area.

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