

Host Organization: Peace Development Fundmdi-circle-small San Francisco, CA, USA mdi-circle-small


WHW launched SASS (Self-Managed Abortion; Safe and Supported) in 2017 to support people in the United States who choose to have an abortion with pills outside of the healthcare system. The goal of SASS is to ensure that people in the US can get accurate, up-to-date information about how to self-manage an abortion with pills safely, with dignity, and with minimal legal risk.

People in the US may choose to self-manage an abortion with abortion pills because it is difficult to get to an abortion clinic or because they prefer to self-induce their abortion on their own. Self-managed abortion is safe and effective if the person has accurate information about how to use abortion pills and can ask questions. It is also important to understand the legal issues.

SASS provides information and support around self-managed abortion to reduce the use of unsafe abortion methods and to ensure that self-managed abortions are medically and legally as safe as possible. SASS coordinates its activities with a broad network of allies in the US to build the movement to demystify, demedicalize, decriminalize, and destigmatize abortion with pills, by raising the visibility of the safety and prevalence of self-managed abortion.

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The Peace Development Fund works to build the capacity of community-based organizations through grants, training and other resources as partners in the human rights and social justice movements. As a public foundation, we nourish, foster and encourage the diverse, self-sustaining and economically viable communities that are essential to building a peaceful, just and equitable world.

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