
Southern Equality Fund

Host Organization: Campaign for Southern Equalitymdi-circle-small Asheville, NC, USA mdi-circle-small


Every day, we witness the resilience, creativity, and resourcefulness of LGTBQ grassroots organizers who are working to create equality in their hometowns. We believe that the organizers on the frontlines of the Southern LGBTQ movement can transform our region—but they need the funding and support to do so.

The Southern Equality Fund (SEF) provides funding and training to Southern LGBTQ folks doing heroic organizing in their hometowns.  We prioritize work addressing the intersections of race, class, and gender in the lives of LGBTQ Southerners. We also prioritize groups and individual leaders whose access to funding and support is limited due to barriers such as not having 501c3 status, or being located in a rural area.

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About the Host

The Campaign for Southern Equality is working to build a South where LGBTQ people are equal in every part of life. A South where your zipcode doesn’t determine your rights. Where all of us are free to be who we truly are and love who we truly love.

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