
Minneapolis Climate Action and Racial Equity Fund

Host Organization: The Minneapolis Foundationmdi-circle-small Minneapolis, MN, USA mdi-circle-small


The Minneapolis Climate Action and Racial Equity Fund is a fund offering grants for place-based, community-driven initiatives and projects. This fund is a partnership between the City of Minneapolis, The Minneapolis Foundation, and was started with $100,000 in seed funding from the McKnight Foundation.

Minneapolis Foundation works to achieve a reduction in local greenhouse gas emissions; align with the goals of the Minneapolis Climate Action Plan; and further the goals of the Minneapolis Strategic Racial Equity Plan.

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About the Host

Founded in 1915, The Minneapolis Foundation brings together people, ideas, and resources to improve lives locally and globally. The Foundation administers more than 1,400 charitable funds, makes unrestricted grants to programs and initiatives that further its vision of a vibrant and inclusive Minneapolis, and engages in research, convening, and advocacy on issues critical to the region. Through donor advised funds and grants, the foundation invests the majority of its resources in six areas: arts and culture, economic vitality, environment and conservation, civic engagement, community health, and education.

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