Battleground Texas is a people-based, metrics-driven organization that is dedicated to the idea that volunteers, in their neighborhoods, can and do significantly impact local, state and national elections. By focusing on voter registration, voter education, and voter turnout, Battleground Texas is not only registering more voters but also working to create more voters who will cast a ballot in consistent elections and ultimately build more power for their own communities. In the wake of SB 1’s passage in the 2021 legislative session, that continued relationship from the point of registration to successfully casting a ballot matters more than ever before.
Learn about the organization's sponsor, Way to Win.
This organization is a registered 501(c)(4) charity in the U.S. Donations are not tax deductible within the guidance of U.S. law.
Unlike 501(c)(3) nonprofits, (c)(4) organizations can participate in unlimited lobbying activities, providing them with more tools to engage in policy change. These organizations often support powerbuilding in communities through advocacy and electoral work.
Financials sourced from IRS Form 990 (2018)
This organization is a registered 501(c)(4) charity in the U.S. Donations are not tax deductible within the guidance of U.S. law.
Unlike 501(c)(3) nonprofits, (c)(4) organizations can participate in unlimited lobbying activities, providing them with more tools to engage in policy change. These organizations often support powerbuilding in communities through advocacy and electoral work.
Financials sourced from IRS Form 990 (2018)
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