From the docks of Portsmouth, where merchants engaged in the trans-Atlantic slave trade unloaded their cargo, to the northern border with Canada where many escaping captives found their first moment of freedom, the Granite State holds a multitude of stories that mark the milestones of its complex history.
For more than 300 years, the lives of African people and their descendants have been a part of New Hampshire’s history. Yet this African-American history has long been hidden in the shadows even though Black lives have been intermixing with White lives in highly personal ways.
The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire promotes awareness and appreciation of African American history and life in order to build more inclusive communities today. We believe that if we could embrace our shared history, we could heal racial anxiety and misunderstanding -- in our communities, our state and in this country.
Financials sourced from IRS Form 990 (2021)
Financials sourced from IRS Form 990 (2021)
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