CCAEJ developed the belief that the key to effectively solving community problems lies in bringing the diverse segments of the community together in one strong voice. By utilizing the skills, talents, and knowledge of each community member and tapping into the resources and relationships that are inherent within each community they can identify issues, define solutions, effectively advocate and creat change. Each community member brings their own expertise and talents to the table, combining with others to form a strong community force. Helping individuals recognize their own strengths; learn new skills and develop the confidence to utilize them within a group setting, defines for us grassroots leadership development. The building blocks of every community lie in the relationships at the neighborhood level. We work to enable local residents to be the authorities within their neighborhoods. People have knowledge, contacts and skills that enable them to draw their neighbors into efforts
Complete mission and financial data are available only for organizations that have filed a full IRS Form 990, Form 990EZ, or Form 990PF, and have been made available by the IRS.
Complete mission and financial data are available only for organizations that have filed a full IRS Form 990, Form 990EZ, or Form 990PF, and have been made available by the IRS.
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