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100&Change: 2021 Top 100

Since its founding, Landesa has partnered with governments, communities and other stakeholders in more than 55 countries to equip people experiencing poverty with gender-sensitive land rights reforms using law and policy tools. These reforms have helped alleviate poverty, reduce hunger and ease conflict over land for more than 180 million families.

This transformation—from land insecurity or landlessness to secure rights to land—has boosted agricultural productivity in the Global South by billions of dollars per year, improved health, nutrition and school enrollment in hundreds of villages across the globe, and placed scores of billions of dollars in new land wealth in the hands of people experiencing poverty in rural areas.

Launched in April 2019, 100&Change(2021) was MacArthur Foundation’s second global competition for a $100 million grant to fund a single proposal promising real and measurable progress in solving a critical problem of our time. 755 proposals were submitted to the competition and were evaluated using four criteria: whether the proposals were impactful, evidence-based, feasible, and durable. The Top 100 proposals were announced in February 2020 and six Finalists were announced in July 2020. In April 2021, MacArthur selected Community Solutions as the $100 million Awardee for its project to accelerate an end to homelessness in 75 U.S. communities in five years.


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