Animal Philanthropy

Animal Grantmakers is a group of funders who share your concern for animals, and are working together to create real and lasting change. We envision a world in which animals thrive, and are treated with care and respect. A diverse group of foundations, public charities, corporate giving programs, individuals and other philanthropists, our members work on local, regional, national and global issues involving animals of all stripes. Our mission is to support effective grantmaking, advance collaborative efforts, and expand the sphere of animal protection philanthropy to cast a wider and stronger safety net for animals in the communities we serve, improving outcomes and elevating the field.

The Animal Philanthropy collection from Animal Grantmakers strives to inform donors about the many issues affecting animals, make them more understandable, and illustrate that the problems of animals are not mutually exclusive from the problems of humans and, actually, are inherently intertwined with many human problems (e.g., COVID-19). Featuring news, animal funder profiles, research, insights, commentary representing a plethora of perspectives and more, we hope this publication inspires greater curiosity about the other sentient beings who share our planet, and increased investment in their protection and welfare.

Animal Grantmakers

Los Angeles, CA