Effective Giving

For over 15 years, the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) has led the movement to make philanthropy more effective.

Foundation leaders, trustees, and staff, as well as major donors and philanthropic advisors, rely on our evidence-based research for insights on a wide range of topics, from assessing performance to developing strategy to building strong relationships.

More than 300 foundations and philanthropic entities have used CEP’s assessments to gather honest feedback from their stakeholders.

Our highly regarded programs including our biennial conference — gives philanthropic leaders an exclusive and unprecedented opportunity to learn and connect with their peers.

CEP is funded through a mix of earned revenue, foundation grants, and gifts from individuals and families. We have offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and San Francisco, California.

Please visit us at www.cep.org to learn more about our work.

The Center for Effective Philanthropy

Cambridge, MA


The Center for Effective Philanthropy

Cambridge, MA


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