Changing board performance culture is also much more complex than simply announcing to board members, “I declare a new culture!” A successful transformation takes time and a focused process.

Here are five steps to make your board revitalization happen:

  1. Identify the Need and the Course of Action. To implement a culture change, establish a clear understanding of why a  shift is necessary.. Is there a performance expectation not being met? Or is a new level of individual engagement needed?
  2. Acknowledge That Change Isn’t Easy. Getting board members to support a deviation from the comfort of long-standing practices can be difficult. Recognize the personalities involved and devote the time necessary to gain their support rather than springing surprise announcements on them.
  3. Overcome Opposition. Help overcome opposition from those who are uncertain about your proposed deviation by applying steps recommended by change experts:
    • Make It Easy
    • Make It Rewarding
    • Make It Normal
  4. Reinforce Awareness of What They’re Playing For. No doubt nonprofit board members feel their service is important. But participating in board meetings, raising money, and attending events don’t automatically translate into truly feeling the mission.
  5. Create a Performance Environment. To achieve and maintain a culture of performance, create an environment that nurtures the behavior your organization is seeking.

Recognize that change means altering behavior and that hesitation to embrace it is a common reaction. If it is time for your board to move to a higher level, implement these five action steps to build and sustain a high-performance environment.

Don’t just declare that a change in culture will be happening. Transformation requires following a deliberate path that leads to the achievements you aspire to.

Read about the five ways to improve board performance by Hardy Smith at BoardSource.