Have you ever wondered how getting a bunch of people in one room or space could be a game-changer? Well, convening folks with a common goal is powerful. Given their freedom and flexibility to make things happen fast, lean funders are excellent conveners. Yet, many consider this straightforward tool a funder’s most underrated.

The Power of Convening

Small-staffed foundations have the reputation, independence, and time to convene diverse stakeholders to make sense of important issues, develop ideas and solutions, and build collective will for action. Below are some of the goals you can accomplish by convening.

Introducing Yourself and Others:

  • Get to know other donors and funders in your community or field.
  • Share information, best practices, or possible solutions.
  • Help grantees or others meet and learn from one another.
  • Provide a respite to renew and inspire grantees.
  • Create a social space for people to meet, greet, network, and have fun.

Listening and Learning:

  • Scan the landscape to uncover significant problems and understand them more deeply.
  • Satisfy your hunger for knowledge on a topic or field.
  • Convene in response to others’ requests for convening, mainly if no one else fills that role.

Solving Problems:

  • Encourage grantees to share resources and reduce redundancy.
  • Help grantees, funders, and others identify common issues, which can inspire opportunities for joint capacity building, shared staffing, and other services.
  • Raise awareness among nonprofits, businesses, and government about important issues facing your community.
  • Create a space for stakeholders to brainstorm, build consensus, and generate solutions.

Sparking Action:

  • Build a network, coalition, or task force for collective action.
  • Prioritize with others how and where to focus your attention and resources.
  • Identify trends, priority issues, and critical gaps.
  • Explore ways to collaborate with other funders or to encourage grantees or others to collaborate.
  • Raise money for a critical need or underfunded area.

Convening isn’t as complicated or burdensome as you might think. Give it a try, and you will be surprised at the value you create for the community. 

Read the full article about convenings in philanthropy at Exponent Philanthropy.