Philanthropy relies on the amassed wealth of families and institutions that have benefited from systemic racism. As a result, the institution has a power imbalance in where funds go and what organizations and initiatives receive support. Developing a deeper understanding of institutional racism in the United States can help lean funders dismantle the harmful practices and power disparities that perpetuate inequities in philanthropy today. This-three part blog series can serve as a starting point for this work.

The Racial Wealth Gap

Public policy in the US continues to build White wealth at the expense of, or on the backs of Black people. In 2016, the average net worth of a White family was ten times greater than the average wealth of a Black family. And nearly 34% of Native American children live in poverty.

This data reflects the longstanding racial wealth gap in the United States from:

  • The country’s prolonged legacy of slavery
  • The colonization and genocide of Native and Indigenous people
  • The economic disenfranchisement of Black people through racist public policy and targeted exclusion of major social welfare legislation, like the GI Bill
  • Continued social inequities

Having a Shared Language

Miscommunications make advancing racial equity even more difficult, so establishing a shared language around key concepts and terms is crucial. The Center for the Study of Social Policy’s glossary for shared understanding defines Key Equity Terms & Concepts:

  • Racism: The systematic subjugation of members of targeted racial groups, who hold less socio-political power and/or are racialized as non-White, as means to uphold White supremacy.

An important note, racism differs from prejudice. Unlike prejudice, hatred or discrimination, racism requires one racial group to have systematic power over other racial groups. Racism is implicitly and explicitly maintained by institutional structures and policies, cultural norms and values, and individual behaviors.

  • White supremacy: An institutionally perpetuated and ever-evolving system of exploitation and domination that consolidates and maintains power and resources among White people.

White supremacy, through White dominance, continues to perpetuate anti-Black racism and anti-Native racism, specifically. Other racial and ethnic groups experience oppression through White supremacy, but not in the same ways; slavery and genocide are foundational to today’s social disparities. Thus, actively working towards anti-racist institutions and an anti-racist society is necessary.

  • Anti-racism: The active process of identifying and challenging racism by changing systems, organizational structures, policies and practices, and attitudes to redistribute power in an equitable manner.

Read the full article about building racial equity in philanthropy by Maya Pendleton and Juanita Gallion at Exponent Philanthropy.