Afrin Jahan’s life turned upside down when a sudden flash flood swept through her village, Porkora in Bangladesh. Midday on Thursday, August 22, the roof of her fragile home collapsed under the force of sudden rising water. She was left with no alternative but to evacuate — fast.

Afrin says she was terrified. Totally unfamiliar with such a situation and gripped by panic, her only concern was her children’s safety. Desperate to protect her two-month-old baby girl, she wrapped her in a plastic bag to shield her from the floodwaters. Holding her nine- and four year-old children tightly, she waded through the water to a nearby madrasa, where other families also sheltered.

As women like Afrin grapple with one of the most severe flash floods in decades, BRAC is scaling up its relief efforts amid damaged infrastructure and a disrupted mobile network.

In addition to the immediate needs, long-term needs are mounting. The floods have caused extensive damage to the region’s agriculture, with over 840,000 acres of crop fields under water. The livestock and fisheries sectors have suffered losses amounting to $167 million, deepening the economic blow to communities already struggling to make ends meet.

The immediate needs of the affected population remain critical. BRAC’s first responders say that people urgently need temporary shelters; food, including baby food; safe drinking water; emergency medical support; hygiene kits; and food for their livestock.

BRAC’s Response: Bangladesh Flood Relief

BRAC has mobilized extensive resources, allocating $250,000 of its own funds and deploying a team of 5,000 local staff to deliver life-saving relief. Moving by boats, tractors, trucks, and even by foot — often wading through waist-deep water — our staff are dedicated.

To date, BRAC has distributed a total of over 117,000 packages of food across the affected districts. These include, almost 70,000 packets dry food, 30,000 packets cooked food and 17,000 packets 7-days food packages. The support is still continuing in Noakhali and Lakshmipur. In addition, A total of 164 metric tons of cattle feed has also been distributed.

To date, 41 medical teams are providing emergency health and nutrition support to the flood affected population in Cumilla, Feni, Noakhlai, Lakshmipur, Chattogram and Khagrachari. In recent weeks, almost 30,400 patients and over 3,319 under 5 children received emergency health services through 228 medical camps.

To date, 1,458 household level tube wells and 2 institutional water points have been disinfected and repaired. Additionally, a total of 39,000 litres drinking water has been distributed. Over 13,000 pack sanitary napkins have also been distributed.

Recognizing the critical need for hygiene products, BRAC is also distributing 13,230 sanitary napkin packets, made possible through a partnership with Square Toiletries.

BRAC has also launched a rapid needs assessment to ensure that additional assistance is provided where it is most needed. To keep communities informed, life-saving awareness messages are being broadcast through three community radio stations.

Read more about flood relief in Bangladesh and how to support BRAC.