
Education Brings Renewed Hope for Kids in Kenya!

Host Organization: Olalo of Hope - Kenyamdi-circle-small Gladstone, OR, United States mdi-circle-small


Every child dreams of what they will be when they grow up, but when you live in extreme poverty, that's all they are, just dreams. A key to breaking the cycle of poverty is education. Many kids in Oyugis, Kenya are hoping someone will begin the dream with them by paying for their Secondary School (H.S.) Education. Others who were forced to leave school when their family could no longer pay tuition, yearn to return to complete their education. They can with your help! Give Hope-start the dream!


Less than half of all children in Kenya attend school beyond the 8th grade. Why? Poverty. Over 50% percent of Kenya's population lives in poverty with families struggling to survive on less than $1 a day. The cost of education after grade 8 is out of reach for most and hope of a better life is too! Our Kenyan team gives great insight into the lives of many orphans and kids in dire need. Our Community Computer Lab offers free training. Most students don't receive this vital skill in school.

Long term impact

Without an opportunity to complete a student's education, the cycle of poverty continues generation after generation. Today's student wants to improve their lives. They are motivated to make changes that impact their own futures and improve the community. For too long education beyond grade 8 wasn't even expected. For the most part, it's the same today, so when a child gets the opportunity to continue their education, they begin to dream big, work hard and begin a new cycle. A cycle of hope!

About the Organization

Olalo's Mission is to turn the Cycle of Poverty into a new Life Cycle of Hope. We work to break the cycle of poverty by building strong communities by working with various community partners to empower individuals and families with opportunities for the furtherance of education, healthcare and skills needed to affect life change within their communities. We are Bridging Kenyans to Education, Healthcare and Life Change.

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Less than half of all children in Kenya attend school beyond the 8th grade. Why? Poverty. Over 50% percent of Kenya's population lives in poverty with families struggling to survive on less than $1 a day. The cost of education after grade 8 is out of reach for most and hope of a better life is too! Our Kenyan team gives great insight into the lives of many orphans and kids in dire need. Our Community Computer Lab offers free training. Most students don't receive this vital skill in school.

Long term impact

Without an opportunity to complete a student's education, the cycle of poverty continues generation after generation. Today's student wants to improve their lives. They are motivated to make changes that impact their own futures and improve the community. For too long education beyond grade 8 wasn't even expected. For the most part, it's the same today, so when a child gets the opportunity to continue their education, they begin to dream big, work hard and begin a new cycle. A cycle of hope!

About the Organization

Olalo's Mission is to turn the Cycle of Poverty into a new Life Cycle of Hope. We work to break the cycle of poverty by building strong communities by working with various community partners to empower individuals and families with opportunities for the furtherance of education, healthcare and skills needed to affect life change within their communities. We are Bridging Kenyans to Education, Healthcare and Life Change.

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