
Stop Hypertension and Diabetes in its tracks


HFA provides free healthcare to communities in rural Eastern Nigeria. Hypertension and Diabetes are diseases that can be controlled and never truly cured, and must be treated with ongoing care. This project will ensure we continue to provide blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring, and provide medications to participants through our monthly clinics. HFA averages 100 to 120 participants who receive either Hypertension or Diabetes medications, or both, every month.


Unnecessary disease burden and deaths from complications of Hypertension and Diabetes. Lack of healthcare services to adequately manage these diseases. People are increasingly sedentary and are eating less and less of natural fresh foods. The incidence of Hypertension and Diabetes will continue to increase, and a lack of treatment means more complications and disease burden and deaths. Even worse is the lack of facilities to treat the complications when they develop.

Long term impact

Decrease the disease burden and unnecessary deaths due to Hypertension and Diabetes. Improved awareness of how chronic diseases are managed differently from other medical problems that come and go. Improve lifestyle factors like diet and inactivity.

About the Organization

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Unnecessary disease burden and deaths from complications of Hypertension and Diabetes. Lack of healthcare services to adequately manage these diseases. People are increasingly sedentary and are eating less and less of natural fresh foods. The incidence of Hypertension and Diabetes will continue to increase, and a lack of treatment means more complications and disease burden and deaths. Even worse is the lack of facilities to treat the complications when they develop.

Long term impact

Decrease the disease burden and unnecessary deaths due to Hypertension and Diabetes. Improved awareness of how chronic diseases are managed differently from other medical problems that come and go. Improve lifestyle factors like diet and inactivity.

About the Organization

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