Giving Compass' Take:

· Causeartist discusses the rising number of homeless individuals in the US and provides a list of different ventures addressing this issue.

· How can philanthropy help support the homeless population in the US? What role do communities play in addressing this issue?

· Here's a guide for donors to learn more about homelessness and how to help.

For the first time in seven years, the number of people experiencing homelessness has increased in the United States. In the United States there are an estimated 553,742 people experiencing homelessness on a given night, according to the most recent national point-in-time estimate (January 2017). Globally, there are more than 100 million people experiencing homelessness and another one billion people in the world without adequate shelter, a number that will double in the next 15 years. How can we as a society propel our fellow citizens out of homelessness and back into society? Its a huge question to answer, but there are some amazing ventures around the world and in the United States trying to combat this issue:

  1. Y2Y
  2. Mitscoots
  3. Veterans Community Project
  4. billionBricks
  5. World Housing
  6. The Samaritan App
  7. MADI Apparel
  8. Lava Mae
  9. Better Shelter
  10. New Story + ICON
  11. The EMPWR Coat
  12. Back on My Feet

Read the full article about impacting the homeless population by Grant Trahant at Causeartist.