Philanthropists from Ukraine’s international allies ‘are not prioritising’ the recovery of Ukraine’s broken media scene, according to an open letter penned by Ukrainian journalists, media professionals and civic society.

The open letter, signed by 121 representatives, calls for more donors to assist media recovery, with Ukraine’s media organisations struggling with ‘financial issues, lack of staff, and ongoing psychological stress’. 

‘Many countries and donors are involved in Ukraine’s recovery efforts, but unfortunately, the media itself is not included in these programs. International donors view the media primarily as a means to share information about reconstruction rather than recognising it as a sector in desperate need of assistance. Regional media may face extinction in just a few years if this concerning trend persists,’ said the letter, signed by Ukrainian media representatives. 

Berlin hosts the Ukraine Recovery Conference on June 11th and 12, where Ukrainian journalists have urged donors to talk about ‘the topic of supporting and restoring local media in Ukraine.’ 

Joanna Krawczyk, deputy director of the German Marshall Fund, voiced her worries that funders had lost interest in the region. 

‘Since the inaugural Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano, I’ve observed a troubling oversight: the marginalisation of media voices in the discourse surrounding Ukraine’s reconstruction, with scant attention paid to media rebuilt and transformation concerns on the agenda,’ she wrote on social media platform LinkedIn, adding:  

‘Despite two years having elapsed, progress has been minimal at best. It’s high time for a shift.’ 

Read the full article about Ukraine's Broken Media Scene by Shafi Musaddique at Alliance Magazine.