Giving Compass' Take:

• The nonprofit accelerator Food System 6 brings together entrepreneurs in the agriculture space to give them training on waste prevention, soil health, and other sustainable practices.

•What might funders learn from the holistic approach that this accelerator takes? How will innovation make an impact on our food ecosystem?

• Learn how foundations can invest in the food system.

Renske Lynde brings 20 years experience in food, agriculture, nutrition, and policy to the field of mission-driven food innovation. As a co-founder and managing director of the nonprofit accelerator Food System 6 (FS6), Lynde guides food entrepreneurs who have the goal to transform the current food system. Innovators receive mentorship, access to a broad contact network, and innovative financing to devise impactful solutions for the environment and society.

Lynde formerly worked at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and she currently manages a portfolio of 23 for-profit and non-profit food system innovators.

At Food System 6, Lynde brings small groups of entrepreneurs together in a cohort for four months. Each cohort receives mentoring, education, and networking opportunities, as well as customized support. Entrepreneurs attend group sessions to learn and practice storytelling, public speaking, investor relations, food diversity, and other topics. The accelerator extends its support beyond the four-month cohort sessions and works with the entrepreneurs for two or three years to ensure their success.

Read the full article about food system entrepreneurship by Katerina Bozhinova at Food Tank.