Workplace volunteer programs serve as opportunities to connect with communities where you operate. But, equally as important, they offer your organization a chance to engage with employees beyond day-to-day business. Employees want to work for companies that are engaged in social good.

Engaging workplace volunteer programs don’t happen by accident, though. It’s important to follow proven steps to maximize your efforts and to create something lasting and beneficial for your company and the communities where you work.

Here’s a look at six steps your organization can take to create a program that truly engages your employees.

  1. Plan for Engagement From the Start
  2. Share and Promote the Event
  3. Connect Employees With the Bigger Picture
  4. Actively Motivate Employee Involvement to Amplify Impact
  5. Share Your Success to Build Momentum
  6. Find the Right Platform for Program Management

Read the full article about volunteering programs at Bright Funds.