Giving Compass' Take:

· Writing for Governing Magazine, Charles T. Clark reports that San Diego County is suing the Trump administration after ending the "safe release" policy for asylum-seekers.

· How can donors and philanthropists support refugees and issues related to asylum-seekers?

· Here's how you can support refugees and asylum-seekers.

San Diego County sued the Trump administration Wednesday, challenging in federal court its decision to end the so-called "safe release" policy for asylum seekers last October.

Under "safe release" or "coordinated release" Immigration and Customs Enforcement helped people seeking asylum to connect with sponsors around the country and to reach their final destinations, where they would wait for the legal asylum process to play out.

The Trump administration abruptly ended "safe release" in late October, leaving thousands of migrants all but stranded in San Diego County. ICE said at the time that the growing numbers of families arriving along the southwest border rendered them unable to maintain the program.

The county filed suit in federal court against the administration and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, alleging they violated the federal Administrative Procedure Act by abruptly ending "safe release" without proper notice. The lawsuit said the government "failed to articulate a reasonable explanation for their actions."

Read the full article about asylum policy changes by Charles T. Clark at Governing Magazine.