The importance and availability of data has never been higher than today. However, too often data analysis is viewed as the domains of specialists, limiting opportunities for learning. Although random controlled trials with outside evaluation remains the gold standard, there are easier ways to get empirical data which can be used to improve decision making depending on the requirements.

This presentation takes as its starting point Dr. Atul Gawande's charge: "If you count something you find interesting, you will learn something interesting." We will review a simpler yet effective measurement approach for senior health, then have an interactive exercise to practice and build confidence. Presenter: Mike Yeaton, Chief Strategy Officer, Empire Health Foundation. Moderator: John Feather, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, Grantmakers In Aging.

This webinar is in collaboration with Grantmakers in Health. Webinar date: October 5, 2017.

Source: Grantmakers in Aging