People exiting incarceration often struggle to find a job—and the idea of a full-fledged career is almost beyond conceiving. But through private and public partnerships, formerly incarcerated individuals are provided with professional development in leadership, entrepreneurship, and technological skills. Small-scale successes show the promise of pre-release interventions, and the benefit of breaking the stigma of a criminal record.

  • Marcus Bullock, CEO and Founder, Flikshop; CEO, Perspectives Premier Contractors
  • Stewart Butterfield, Co-Founder and CEO, Slack; Co-Founder, Flickr
  • Alyssa Lovegrove, Academic Director, Georgetown Pivot Program; Entrepreneurship Professor, Georgetown University
  • Moderated by Andrew Ross Sorkin, Co-Anchor, “Squawk Box,” CNBC; Financial Columnist, The New York Times; Founder and Editor at Large, DealBook

Read the full article about finding a career after incarceration at The Aspen Institute.