Companies of all sizes need to think about corporate social responsibility. Unless you closely consider CSR, you could end up alienating your audience and damaging your reputation. To build a great CSR strategy today, check out these five ideas.

  1. Consider the environment Modern consumers care about the planet, and they want the brands they buy from to care, too. To improve your CSR strategy, you need to consider your company practices on how you are protecting the earth.
  2. Practice philanthropy One of the most effective ways to improve your CSR strategy is to practice philanthropy. Businesses can really make a difference in this aspect. There are plenty of charities and good causes to support.
  3.  Start with your company values If you are keen to build an effective CSR strategy, start by considering your company values. To be a socially responsible company you need to build values-basedInvolve your community around inclusivity and diversity.
  4. Involve your community When you are developing your CSR strategy, it can be helpful to involve your community. One of the best ways to do this is to use your social media accounts. Share all the good work you are doing, and if possible, give your audience the chance to get involved.
  5. Build your strategies together To design your CSR strategy you must work together as a team. Your staff will have plenty of ideas about how you can improve your sense of corporate social responsibility. Creating your strategy together is a fantastic way to build rapport within a team, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Read the full article about building a CSR strategy at WAHWM.