There’s no doubt that the past year’s challenges drove many generous Americans to open their wallets and support charities across the country. Now, whether you’re a seasoned philanthropist or you just started giving back, you have an opportunity to continue making an impact with smarter charitable giving—and it’s as easy as picking the right asset.

When it comes time to support their favorite causes, many donors instinctively reach for their checkbook or cash. Instead, you can potentially maximize the impact of your giving for both you and the charity when you consider giving often overlooked non-cash assets, such as appreciated stocks in your portfolio, privately held business interests or even cryptocurrency.

Because long-term appreciated holdings or investments may be prime assets for tax-efficient giving, exploring this strategy has the power to potentially take your philanthropy—and your overall financial plan—to the next level.

  • Give more than just after-tax proceeds
  • Maximize both your tax benefits and charitable impact
  • Apply the formula to other appreciated assets
  • Make the gift hassle-free

It is very possible that your portfolio contains powerful assets that you can use to fund your giving while wisely managing your financial future. Tap into smarter charitable giving with assets beyond cash and you can make more of a difference for the causes you care most about.

Read the full article about charitable giving strategies by Karla D’Alleva Valas at Forbes.