Scarcity thinking pervades nonprofits, but also (shockingly) philanthropy. It may seem like a contradiction — someone who has large sums of money at their disposal can’t possibly be stuck in a scarcity mindset, can they? But it happens all the time.

In my view, scarcity thinking is the biggest impediment to the healthier, more equitable world we all want to see. But that world is actually just within our grasp, if we are brave enough (as poet Amanda Gorman reminded us recently) to think and be radically different.

There are some philanthropic leaders who are already leading the charge (see examples here and here). But the majority of philanthropic dollars still move largely as they always have because scarcity thinking holds most funders — program officers, CEOs, and board members — back from leading true change.

You may believe that you, as an individual, have a scarcity of power to create change — but it’s actually the other way around, you know. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the most unlikely people can become true leaders, while those with big leadership titles can fail miserably. No matter your role in philanthropy, you can lead others (including those with the big titles) to change.

Here’s how to move beyond scarcity thinking to lead philanthropic change:

  • Move From Complaining to Action
  • Articulate the Change You Want
  • Gather Allies

Read the full article about moving away from a scarcity mindset by Nell Edgington at Social Velocity.