Children in India have less opportunities to play outdoors than their parents had as kids, according to a survey in 10 countries which found that over half of children globally play outside for one hour or less each day. The study included a 20-minute online quantitative survey with over 12,000 parents who have at least one child aged between 5-12. Previous research shows that playing outside can benefit the child by making them love nature, have active brains and boosts their eyesight.

Everyone can do something to make sure children across the country experience the benefits of playing and learning outdoors.

In response to the decline in the time that children spend outdoors, a Delhi-based NGO is calling on teachers across India to take at least one lesson outdoors on October 12, this year, as part of the global Outdoor Classroom Day campaign. “We are calling on teachers, parents and anyone who cares about childhood to get involved in the campaign on October 12, 2017,” said Sudeshna Chatterjee, CEO of Action for Children’s Environments (ACE).

Read the full article on Indian children playing outdoors at Hindustan Times