To showcase our nonprofit members, NCRP invited them to submit their mission and a story of impact to be presented as a poster at last month’s 2017 Impact Awards reception in New Orleans. From job creation to youth civic engagement to health equity organizing, NCRP’s members are making the world a better place:

  • Active Living By Design (ALBD) advances community-led action and proven, place-based strategies to ensure health and well-being for all.
  • Appalshop enlists the power of education, media, theater, music and other arts to document, disseminate and revitalize the lasting traditions and contemporary creativity of Appalachia.
  • Caring Across Generations is a national movement of families, caregivers, people with disabilities and aging Americans working to transform the way we care in this country.
  • Family Youth Counseling Agency provides affordable and professional support through programs and services dedicated to advocacy, counseling and education for the people of Southwest Louisiana.
  • The mission of Georgia Appleseed is to increase justice in Georgia through law and policy reform and community engagement.

Read the full list from NCRP