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Giving Compass' Take:
• Arabella Advisors' article recaps a webinar in which experts discuss the role of donors in supporting comprehensive police reform.
• Why is police reform something that must take place across the system? How can you help make sure that happens?
• For more information on police reform, take a look at a donor's guide to holes the criminal justice system.
On June 18, 2020, Arabella Advisors hosted our latest webinar, “Policing: The Donor Moment and What Is Possible.” The webinar focused on the immediate role philanthropy must play in meeting this moment of crisis and opportunity in reforming our current approach to policing.
A handful of the key points our speakers made are summarized below.
- Reforming policing to reduce harm to communities of color will require working in (and on) several systems at the same time. Phil Goff pointed out that we must advance civil rights legislation even as we’re supporting institutional changes and listening to leaders in activism, especially around police culture.
- We need to bear in mind that “budgets are moral documents.” Vanita Gupta noted that “localities have been overspending on criminal justice system infrastructure and policing and divesting in housing, education, jobs, and healthcare.” Changing those priorities will require difficult, detailed, but ultimately worthwhile budgetary battles.
- While this field can be difficult to fund, there is a role for philanthropy. Billy Watterson noted that the field is difficult to fund for those not familiar with it, as movement leaders are not always affiliated with institutions, and regulations vary widely and do not always capture data.
One key takeaway all our speakers endorsed: there is no one right place to fund this field, especially in the current moment. The needs right now are varied and at multiple levels, so there are many places to plug in and help. The first order of business for donors looking to make a difference is to get involved by learning more about local efforts to change these harmful systems and get funds moving to organizations that are positioned to make change.
Read the full article about philanthropy's role in police reform at Arabella Advisors.