Giving Compass' Take:

• Robert Hakiza explains how organizations can better support refugees by empowering them to use their existing skills and talents. 

• How can a narrative shift help change the way that refugee crises are funded? 

• Learn about an asset-based funding framework for refugee crises

Currently, most refugees live in the cities rather than in the refugee camps. We represent over 60 percent of the number of refugees globally. With the majority of refugees living in urban areas, there is a strong need for a paradigm shift and new thinking. Rather than wasting money on building walls, it would be better to spend on programs to help refugees to help themselves.

We always have to leave behind all our possessions. But not our skills and knowledge. If allowed to live a productive life, refugees can help themselves and contribute to the development of their host country.

Refugees want empowerment, not handouts. We know our community better than anyone. We understand the challenges and opportunities we face to become self-reliant. I know better than anyone that initiatives created by refugees work. They need to be internationally recognized and supported. Give us the support we deserve, and we will pay you back with interest.

Watch the full video from Robert Hakiza about empowering refugees at TED.