Giving Compass' Take:

• In this story, Causeartist highlights how the Australian social enterprise Sweet Society Apparel is using sustainable fashion to fight human trafficking and forced labor.

• More companies are turning to social causes as part of their business model. What has been the driving force behind this movement?

• To learn about how building city leadership can combat human trafficking, click here.

Unfortunately, human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar business and it effects all of us. Here are some quick facts about why we need to pay attention:

  • US$150.2 billion is the estimated total illegal profits obtained from the use of forced labour worldwide.
  • US$99 billion of that comes from the sex industry.
  • Overwhelmingly, 71% of human trafficking victims are women and girls.
    Trafficking is in our everyday lives and in our supply chains. Think: fashion, food, tech & domestic work. It’s everywhere.
  • Only 1-2% of people who are trafficked are ever rescued.

Although these facts can be hard-hitting, it is important to know that there are some amazing businesses doing their part to combat human trafficking and the victims of it.

Sweet Society Apparel is one of the best.

Sweet Society Apparel is a movement that will empower generations of women to make this world a sweeter place. As a social enterprise, Sweet Society uses fashion to empower women who have been enslaved within the human and sex trafficking industries in Australia and around the world, by providing them with work opportunity, skill development, security, income and independence.

However, and perhaps most importantly, work, income and safety gives people dignity. Women who have had to endure the most vile industry in the world are given a second chance to be in control of their own lives. As part of their mission, Sweet Society walks alongside the girls to encourage and help them to discover their innate beauty and worth, and help them dream again.

Read the full article about sustainable fashion by Sarah Cowley at Causeartist