There is no doubt that this has been a uniquely challenging year for everyone across all sectors and professions, in ways we couldn’t even have fathomed as the year began.

At NCRP, our work to achieve long-term change and support for under-resourced Black, Indigenous and people of color communities took on new significance this past year, as poverty, health disparities and institutional racism were just some of the long-standing fissures that deeply impacted lives in deadly and unavoidable ways.

Certainly, none of this work would have been remotely possible without the incredible work of our NCRP staff. Like so many people around the nation, they managed to do amazing things amid a pandemic and, in some cases, significant disruptions to their personal lives.

It is because of their tireless work with our allies and partners that we are privileged enough to be able to enter 2021 with some ambitious plans for holding ourselves and the sector accountable to equitable systemic change.

What we accomplished in 2020:

  • Rapidly Pushing for an Equitable Response to COVID-19
  • Galvanizing Better Support to Movements
  • Deeping the Conversation Around Power
  • Challenging Norms & Even Friends

Big plans for 2021 

As we enter our 45th year of existence, NCRP is more committed than ever to playing our role as the sector’s only independent watchdog and its longest serving critical friend. As a result, expect us to:

  • Expand the Movement Investment Project.
  • Continue to engage the sector with our Power Moves toolkit.
  • Honor the sector’s best with the NCRP Impact Awards. 

Read the full article about what's in store for 2021 by Aaron Dorfman at the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy.