Give2Asia has helped implement employee engagement strategies for many of our corporate partners who seek greater buy-in and participation from their staff as they develop their philanthropic goals.

To date, we have facilitated over US$4.2 million in employee engagement grants, many of which are focused on social services, education, and the environment. Corporate employees have helped conservation organizations in Taoyuan plant trees, participated in sign language outreach courses in Kuala Lumpur, and donated funds to upgrade multimedia equipment at a primary school in Xuancheng.

Employees can be brought into the grantmaking process in many ways including through the selection of nonprofits, donations, and volunteerism. The benefits of developing an employee engagement strategy include a positive reputation within the community and improved employee performance. Nonetheless, developing an employee engagement strategy from scratch can be daunting. Give2Asia has compiled strategic questions to help your corporation begin developing its employee engagement strategy:

The first strategic decision should address how your corporation wants to engage employees. There are a few ways to do this.

Donations allow the grantee to use funds meaningfully for their operations or project activities. For corporate donors interested in setting up employee donation programs, questions to consider include:

  • Will employee donations be matched by corporate foundation funds? If so, what will the ratio of matching funds be?
  • Will donations be collected as a portion of employee pre-taxed salaries, or will employees provide donations separately?
  • What technical platform will be used to collect funds?

Setting up a volunteering program for your teams can create a more tangible connection between staff and charities, as well as provide nonprofits with pro bono services vital to their business. Corporate donors interested in incorporating employee volunteering opportunities will need to consider:

  • What type of volunteering will be the best fit
  • Customization of the volunteer opportunity
  • The incorporation of Volunteer Time Off (VTO)
  • Branding and marketing

Read the full article about employee-centered philanthropy by Tiffany Cao at Give2Asia.