Voting rights are a core component of civic engagement and strengthen our democracy. So where does philanthropy fit in?

In this five part series, the Center for Election Science discusses election reform and shares how donors can get involved.

  1. Why Our Voting Methods Matter: What You Should Know When You Invest in Democracy
    The way that we vote—also known as the voting method—impacts who gets elected to public office.
  2. What Exactly is a Voting Method? And Does Our Current One Need to Go?
    There's been a spike in the number of activists and funders working on initiatives to change our voting methods. Learn why.
  3. Three Alternative Voting Methods: Pros and Cons
    Check out these three criteria for what makes a good voting method.
  4. Approval Voting: Coming to a City Near You
    Approval voting is a method that can incorporate and encourage more citizens to vote as long as they are aware of the process and how it works.
  5. You Can Fix Broken Elections; You Just Have To Know How
    Fargo is the first U.S. city to adopt approval voting. Learn about how donors can help change the way we vote.

Here are other resources that donors can look at to improve civic engagement practices:

Who Is Already Funding Elections and Voter Education?

Foundation Center

Foundation Center

The graphics above show the top five funders from 2011 to present, who fund elections, campaigns, and voting in the U.S. Ford Foundation, the top funder, has both a national and international civic engagement and government focus.

How Can Donors Stay Engaged With the Democratic Process?

Here are several resources to help you take action: