Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, the health and economic opportunity of people across the country are threatened. Abortion rates are higher among people of color, in part due to barriers that many in marginalized communities face in accessing quality contraceptive services. On this page, you’ll find resources to help you understand the reproductive justice landscape and ways you can take action.
Reproductive justice is a term coined in 1994 by Black women, who recognized that the right to plan a family, or choose not to have one, is a central part of discussions on economic and social empowerment.
Studies show significant consequences for women who are denied access to abortions, including increased risk of pregnancy complications and increased likelihood of staying with abusive partners. Limiting access disproportionately impacts women of color, who have higher abortion rates compared to white women. Here are resources on advancing and supporting abortion services and access.
The majority of women who have had an abortion report that it was the right decision for them, yet these stories are not often told. People who are obtaining abortions or affected by restrictive policies should be at the forefront of the debate over body autonomy. Amplifying their narratives on abortion access can help de-stigmatize the procedure and highlight relevant facts.
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