Indigenous Peoples

From stolen land to voter suppression to genocide, the U.S. has a long history of oppressing Indigenous people. Today,  Native Americans experience disparities across many systems compared to white people. One in four Indigenous people lack access to health insurance in the U.S. and more than 1.5 million Native women have experienced violence in their lifetime. Learn how you can help support Indigenous communities and celebrate the varied cultures and wisdom. [Note: Organizations are sourced through trusted partners and networks that align with our core tenets. Read our vetting criteria.]

Traditional Wisdom

Indigenous communities bring an array of cultural ideas, ceremonies, and knowledge that can provide solutions to large-scale issues like climate change. For instance, 36% of the world’s forest landscapes still remaining in good condition are located within Indigenous territories. Here are ways that donors can start to listen and support Indigenous wisdom.

Climate Change

Indigenous peoples manage about 40% of all terrestrial protected areas and ecosystems worldwide, however small farmers and Indigenous communities in developing countries receive less than 2% of global climate funding. Learn how to support Indigenous climate solutions.

Land Rights and Sovereignty

Only 53% of Native Americans are homeowners compared to 71% of white Americans. Native Nations face many barriers to home ownership including difficulties lending on a tribal land trust, reservation housing shortage, and limited employment opportunities. Here is insight on how best to support Indigenous land rights and the benefits of Indigenous ownership.

Leadership and Political Representation

Political representation and leadership from Indigenous groups are critical to ensure equitable access to services for all Indigenous peoples. Today, there are 89 Native state legislators in the U.S. government, but approximately 1.2 million American Indians/Alaska Natives are not registered to vote. Donors can help build Indigenous political power and increase voter engagement. Learn how.

Violence Against Indigenous Women

There are an estimated 4,000-plus unsolved cases of missing and murdered American Indian and Alaska Natives in which women and girls make up a significant amount. The missing and murdered Indigenous women’s crisis receives very limited media attention and needs donor support to address the root causes of this violence.

Philanthropic Investment